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I'm Judith!

Hi, I'm Judith. I'm so glad you made it here.

It is my personal mission to help as many people as possible to build a strong and safe inner foundation. Because that is what I wish for you.


As a coach I work with the subconscious. I still find it fascinating that we try to solve everything with our conscious brain, while 95% of our actions come from our subconscious brain. The subconscious is a very important place, because it is where our unprocessed emotions, patterns and limiting beliefs are stored. I would like to help you to release old stories and break through your own patterns.






+10 years in a corporate environment (yes, really)

Yes, this is where it really started. 15 years of experience in corporate jobs in various marketing and communications positions. I actually quite liked that, until I got the feeling that there had to be more. I felt that I could do more with my unique talents. My high sensitivity, stubbornness, my drive to create, I knew I had to  build something that was my own. 

From employment to entrepreneurship

I decided to start my own business and gradually retire from the corporate world. And that worked! In the meantime I learned a lot about entrepreneurship, because I knew nothing about it, to say the least. And I took a deep dive in to self development. This made me realize: there is a whole new, different world out there.

Coach with expertise in the subconscious

What grabbed me most was the subconscious. I didn't understand how so few people knew what you could do with it...a lot! I decided to go all in and follow the international Rapid Transformational Therapy training with Marisa Peer. A training with Daniël Amen, a NEI training with 'Het energetisch huis' and a coach training with Romy Nijkamp followed.


And here I am: ready to coach you to live a life with a strong inner foundation.

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I love entrepreneurship!

I have a special place in my heart for entrepreneurs. That's because I had to learn everything from scratch (I don't come from an entrepreneurial family) and want nothing more than to inspire people to earn their own money. There is a lot involved in entrepreneurship and every entrepreneur knows that you need to break through your own limiting believes. You just have to be able and dare to do it all: put yourself in the spotlight, be visible on social media, take control, and get your money mindset straight. I'll stop writing now, because otherwise this piece will be too long. But...I like to help entrepreneurs with FLOURISH, my training for a flourishing business.

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Coaching sessions with both feet on the ground 

Yes, I do hypnosis and I work with the subconscious. But, I do all of this with both feet on the ground. I do believe there is more. You can give it a name: energy, the universe, the source. But at the same time I also believe that your mindset and attitude are extremely important. I coach exactly as I am: down-to-earth, pragmatic with a touch of spirituality. If you don't like this, please do look further. I believe there is a suitable coach for everyone.

You live most of your life inside of your head, make sure it's a nice place to be.

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Facts about me

  • I live in The Hague, near the beach with my dog Guusje.

  • You can wake me up for sushi and especially salmon sashimi.

  • When I'm not busy with my business, you probably see me having a drink or having dinner somewhere, walking with a podcast in my ears or somewhere in the sun.

  • I really enjoy self-development and read a lot of books about it. Or I go to events, for example I went to Joe Dispenza and Michael Pylarczik. Tony Robbins is still high on my list.

  • My friends and family would describe me as cheerful, down-to-earth, pragmatic and a bit spiritual. Oh yes: I also suspect that they think I like to do things my own way.

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You live most of your life inside of your head, make sure it's a nice place to be.

About: personal development, mindset, hypnotherapy, your subconscious, spirituality and everything that makes life lighter and more fun.


It is my mission to discuss topics that are still too vague or spiritual for many people in a down-to-earth way.




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